What makes our Sunday service special? YOU!
Sunday services are at 9:15 AM and 11:30 AM. Between services at 10:30 AM there are drop-in small groups for all ages with a variety of ways to get connected. Services are in-person and online. We offer children’s programming, childcare and parent/caregiver meetups, during Connection and through the second service. Visiting for the first time? Let us know! Join our weekly Inquirer's Series to learn more about Unitarian Universalism and our community. You can also join online for the 11:30 AM HERE.
Our building is wheelchair accessible and our Sanctuary and some other spaces are installed with hearing loops.
Spiritual Deepening Packets 2024-2025
In collaboration with First Universalist Church of Rochester and the UU Church of Canandaigua, these 10-12 page documents, or “packets” for Spiritual Deepening are published each season, as a way for you to connect with, reflect upon, and directly experience the theme of the season. You can always explore the packet on your own, with friends, or in a Soul Matters circle. Click the links below to download the Seasonal Spiritual Deepening Packets as they become available.
This year, our themes explore the six shared values of Unitarian Universalism, centered in love, as recently articulated by the Unitarian Universalist Association
[Shared Values Flower Image ©Tanya Webster (]
September – October
November – December
January – February
Spring Equinox- March 2023
Youth Group Service- March 2023
The Sacred and Profane- Feb. 2023
Greater Good- Dec. 2022
Winter Solstice Audio Meditation- Dec. 2022
Homecoming Fall- 2022
Additional recordings of recent online worship services are available on First Unitarian's YouTube Channel. Subscribe to the channel for future notifications!
For sermon recordings prior to March 15, 2020, many are available via Dropbox. Email us your specific request and we'll do our best to find it for you.